(UGH. Seriously?!? I’m not good at waiting!) This is the season my family is in. It’s hard. It’s wearing on us. It’s causing tension between …

(UGH. Seriously?!? I’m not good at waiting!) This is the season my family is in. It’s hard. It’s wearing on us. It’s causing tension between …
Redemption+Wellness has been the result of my desire to HEAL, and I found that came from sharing my story. Well, stories, because life is full …
I’ve been thinking about the different ways we “feel” a broken heart. The last few months have left me feeling emotionally wiped out and despite …
“The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not …
Just a reminder. Worshipping God is not just for church on Sundays. Sharing your testimony? Not just for special occasions. Feeling weary? Lost? Afraid? Angry? …
Satan and his five “D’s”…any of this sound familiar? 😬Doubt (fear, anxiety, worry, distrust…)😔Discouragement (lost freedoms, lost business/livelihoods, closed churches, rules/laws/mandates, loneliness, will it ever …
I just can’t with our God. He’s so awesome and never misses a beat. If you’re feeling a lack of awe for your Creator you …
The mind is, no kidding, a battlefield. Lemme tell ya, in years past when I was losing baby after baby, I struggled SO much with …
Earlier this year, Luke started reading through the Bible from back to front, with the prayer that it would be like he was reading the …