Ladies! Maybe this can help someone. I often feel like an anomaly when it comes to miscarriage, having had so many, yet also having five living children, but I know I’m not alone and that maybe I can help someone.
One of my miscarriages was a misdiagnosed ectopic. Basically the OB said one thing, I suggested another based on experience, but being “just an uneducated stay-at-home-mom” didn’t get me heard. I even had signs of an ectopic after a week of back and forth, and called the office where the nurse, too, said that I was probably fine and to chick in tomorrow. Well, that next morning I was in emergency surgery and had a ruptured tube removed, lost a lot of blood (and consciousness at one point immediately after rupture), and it was just not a fun time. Oh, and this all occurred on Carter’s 2nd birthday.
So one thing I attributed to miscarriages after that was scar tissue. I knew that needed to be dealt with before it became a bigger problem. For that, I began taking serrapeptase (to enzymatically break down scar tissue) as well as this T&C tincture. The “toning and cleansing” properties really helped me. I’ve begun taking it again because after Miss H was born, I’m sure I’ve got scar tissue built up from my cesarean- evident from my experiences over the last two months- and I don’t want that to cause me any health problems in the future.
Then there’s cycle issues. If you’ve been advised to take a heavy progesterone supplement, I highly recommend looking into Progestelle. It’s topical, but there are no fillers, just a carrier oil (depending on your hormone situation, sometimes OTC progesterone can contain counteractive ingredients and make it less effective). The company also helps educate you on what to pay attention to in your daily life that can be disrupting your hormones as well (and I know you’ve all seen me talk about that a lot!). Lengthening your luteal phase to have a better chance of a successful pregnancy is important.
But for anybody having trouble staying pregnant, another good supplement to try is Welcome Womb. This worked as effectively for me as a progesterone supplement in some pregnancies. I have used it alone as well as in combination with the Progestelle. Doesn’t taste fantastic but does what it’s designed to do. Doesn’t equal no miscarriage, but can help solve the progesterone issue if it’s there.
I don’t use these anymore because I don’t particularly need them. For now, I’m utilizing Sclaressence oil blend during the first half of my cycle (helps regulate estrogen) and Progessence+ during the second half (a natural progesterone combined with hormone supporting essential oils). These have helped me finally get my body regulated after my last miscarriage and I can’t tell you how good that feels. Not just physically but mentally…to have something return to normal. I would recommend Progessence+ to pretty much all my mom friends, as it’s great for balancing (whereas the Progestelle is definitely stronger, in my opinion).