One of our most popular posts has been where we shared an explanation of and our experience with healthcare sharing ministries. (You can read that …

What ARE we doing to our bodies?
I went on hormonal birth control for a mere four months when I was 18 and we got married. One might think that’s not long …

Do you have a “why”?
Why? ✨Luke and I have some big dreams for our family that require some big changes.✨Neither of us wants to stay and participate in society’s …

Sulfurzyme & Autoimmune Disease
About 9 years ago, after struggling with more miscarriages and health issues, I discovered I was battling an autoimmune disease…Hashimoto’s, in particular. I was producing …

Do You Have A Reason?
My girls are one main reason I have chosen to be super picky about health and wellness. My boys too, but girls just tend to …

True Health
☝️This is your body. No, actually it’s inside a submarine.☸️ But when I looked at this, it made me think of the human body. Our …

The Basic Starter Kit
Did you know you can SO EASILY get started with oils (or plant based home, health, hair, body, dental, even pet products) and have a …

It Matters
These babies of mine. They’ve caused me more stress and headaches just trying to keep them healthy. Not because I don’t trust that God is …

Olfactory Training
Did you know there was such a thing? This might be one of the more fascinating things I’ve seen a mainstream medical publication mention… olfactory …

Health Freedom, Part 1
When you’re told what medications you can and cannot have access too, it’s past time to start looking outside the box. When doctors are having …