I went on hormonal birth control for a mere four months when I was 18 and we got married. One might think that’s not long …
Sulfurzyme & Autoimmune Disease
About 9 years ago, after struggling with more miscarriages and health issues, I discovered I was battling an autoimmune disease…Hashimoto’s, in particular. I was producing …
Tell your story!
Redemption+Wellness has been the result of my desire to HEAL, and I found that came from sharing my story. Well, stories, because life is full …
Ladies, let’s talk progesterone.
Hormones. We so often complain about them, but that’s usually because they’re out of balance. When working properly, and supported by us, our hormones can …
Please Don’t Misunderstand
It gets so tiring, being misunderstood. It’s so hard to battle grief and all the feelings that stick around after a miscarriage, and have that …
October 15th: Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day
I wrote this up in the past for our healthcare sharing ministry at one time and have shared it every year since. Some of my …
The Pain of Letting Go
Let me explain something…this quote struck a chord with me because it wasn’t until after multiple miscarriages that I realized part of why I struggled …
Aiding in the Prevention of Miscarriage
Ladies! Maybe this can help someone. I often feel like an anomaly when it comes to miscarriage, having had so many, yet also having five …
And so begins…Redemption+Wellness
For months now, we’ve been trying to find a “place” for this passion of mine- a name and a vision, primarily. You all know I’m …
The Desert Season
I’m so tired of life’s “deserts.” I may only be 35, and I know I haven’t seen the pain and trials that so many others …