Redemption+Wellness has been the result of my desire to HEAL, and I found that came from sharing my story. Well, stories, because life is full …
Tell your story!

Redemption+Wellness has been the result of my desire to HEAL, and I found that came from sharing my story. Well, stories, because life is full …
Some of you may wonder what travel has to do with redemption OR wellness. But for our family, traveling together has created memories, facilitated healing, …
My girls are one main reason I have chosen to be super picky about health and wellness. My boys too, but girls just tend to …
Household cleaners is where I was TOTALLY fooled for years, guys! One of the major contributors to children’s health issues is environmental exposures. Everything I …
A handful of reasons why we love Lamp+Light Minimalist Homeschool Curriculum, and it was an answer to 9 years of homeschool prayers (after trying out …
My husband was blessed with a wonderful new job in December. We were told repeatedly that “those jobs” came with amazing insurance for our family, …
I don’t like the “new normal” label. I don’t believe anything going on is normal, or should be normal. So I decided to re-frame the …
And I don’t mean your own!! How about being played the fool? Do you enjoy that? There are a LOT of “secrets” about common household …
(This post is taken from my oooooold blog, {JOY}filled Reviews, dated October 10, 2012. While some of the information and my opinions may be outdated- …
Hormones. We so often complain about them, but that’s usually because they’re out of balance. When working properly, and supported by us, our hormones can …