I’ve begun working on my self-talk, and in order to do so, I talk to myself more. No, but really, I’ve been super intentional lately …
Powerful Self-Talk

I’ve begun working on my self-talk, and in order to do so, I talk to myself more. No, but really, I’ve been super intentional lately …
I just can’t with our God. He’s so awesome and never misses a beat. If you’re feeling a lack of awe for your Creator you …
The mind is, no kidding, a battlefield. Lemme tell ya, in years past when I was losing baby after baby, I struggled SO much with …
James is my favorite (or maybe better worded as “most read”) book in the Bible. It’s the one that reminds me that spiritual weight lifting …
Earlier this year, Luke started reading through the Bible from back to front, with the prayer that it would be like he was reading the …