Hi there! Let’s see if I can “contain my words” enough to limit myself to this page…

I’m Brynna. I’m 30-something, married to my favorite paramedic for nearly 18 years, raising my five sweet babies here on earth (and anxious to one day meet my nine in Heaven), and learning more every day about how much my God loves me, cares for me, and provides for me.

I am passionate about health and wellness. Having children of my own has opened my eyes to the massive about of decisions there are to be made, and how much responsibility comes with that, but at the same time, what an HONOR it is to be trusted with that. I also have enough health issues of my own to be a constant reminder that we are the gatekeepers of our homes and WE choose what we allow in that our minds, bodies, and souls will be exposed to. I’m an avid researcher, and I absolutely believe that the time and effort it takes to learn as much as we can about everything we put into, onto, or around our bodies is worth it.

I homeschool my children, and we LOVE it. It’s not always fun or easy, but we’ve never regretted having chosen this path from day 1. I was a great public school student yet I’ve learned more being on this journey with my kids than I ever did in school. It’s so much fun! And the versatility is perfect for our family.

My husband and I have had all the ups and downs a marriage brings, and we’ve been “there and back again” with stories to tell. We believe that it’s important to tell our story- not just for our own growth and healing, but because we know from experience that God works through such things. We have been blessed with other friends and family members willing to share their own battles and victories in the Lord, and those testimonies are powerful.

I’ve had miscarriages. A lot. I didn’t realize there was a “ministry” within this topic until I discovered that no one else really talks about it. So I started to do just that, and have been amazed at the people who’ve come out of the woodwork. I learned that it “takes one to know one”, so-to-speak…that sometimes you just need someone who truly understands and has been there. And so I pray that God can use me in that way for someone else.

So that’s a little of me. I talk a lot, too. I keep saying that, but I feel the need to remind people what they’re in for on my site. I’m happy you’re here. Your presence blesses me, and I hope you’ll be blessed in return!


I am not a medical doctor and do not offer medical advice. I share my PERSONAL experiences and favorite products. I encourage you to do your own research, don’t take my word for anything.

Some of my posts may contain affiliate links.
