And I don’t mean your own!! How about being played the fool? Do you enjoy that?
There are a LOT of “secrets” about common household products. Pretty much everything you find in the store will NOT have fully disclosed ingredients. Let me tell you why.
1.There are 1,400 harmful chemicals banned in the European Union, but only 11 (ELEVEN!!) of those are banned by the FDA in the United States.
2. Since 1976, we have an estimated 65,000-100,000 chemicals on the market. Under the TCSA (Toxic Substance Control Act) and the FDA, manufacturers are protected from claiming all of their substances and ingredients.
3. In the cosmetic chemical industry there is a thing known as the “fragrance loophole” which may contain any combination of 3,000+ stock chemical ingredients. Fragrance formulas are protected under federal law’s classification of trade secrets and therefore can remain undisclosed.
How does that make you feel? If you’re like me, you’re probably pretty ticked to read that, and you might feel a little helpless…because in this case, even label reading is only going to do you “so much” good.
These are perfect examples of why we HAVE to be proactive in our health by carefully researching and selecting the products we expose ourselves and our families to. It’s not going to get better, guys. You’ve already watched how they’ve “green washed” entire sections of the store with crafty labeling and marketing, yet they’re not REALLY offering us safe, non-toxic products. It’s on us- we still have control over what we bring into our homes!!! We vote with our money and our product choices, and it’s time to show those big guys that we’re not playing their games anymore. We’re not fools. We deserve better for ourselves and our families.