2020 has felt like a constant stressor but it wasn’t the biggest hit or the hardest fall.
The other things were what God used to shape me, to build me up, piece me back together, make me new, heal me…all the stuff that for us mere humans seems to require pain and heartache to get us to reach out to Him for. Also things we’re repeatedly taught by older and wiser generations, yet it takes “getting there” to truly understand.
I’m learning to let go of the things I can’t control, that I can only work on ME.
I’m learning to realize that when people ignore me, it’s not necessarily anything to do with ME.
I’m learning that it’s okay to take a stand even when others aren’t (or when they turn their back on your for it).
I’m learning that I cannot fix others’ problems, nor can I change how THEY respond to them.
I’m learning I also do not have to carry their burdens. I’m not referring to sharing in them, as we’re called to do as the body of Christ, but that it’s not my job to feel responsible for them. I can’t blame myself, and I also can’t continue to walk on eggshells.
I’m not required to submit myself to any situation that is not edifying. If it only tears me down, baits me, fuels my fire (not the Godly kind), or probably most importantly, if it comes between my children and I or especially my husband and I, I absolutely have every right to bow out and remove myself. Doesn’t matter who or what it is.
I’m a work in progress, and I hope I will ALWAYS be a work in progress because I always want to KNOW that I need to rely on Jesus for everything.