Why choose us? You have a ton of small businesses you can choose to support. You have a lot of options for wellness companies, and many for essential oils and EO products. You don’t have to pick my family and I, and I love that you have so many choices because it makes it all the much more of an honor when you DO choose us!!!!I’m not comfortable tooting my own horn, so to speak, but I figured it was worth being confident enough to let you know some reasons why you SHOULD choose the Smith’s to help you start your wellness journey, or to find some great Christmas gifts, or to just find a few items you might be needing.

  • My passion for wellness is rooted in real life experience. I became very interested in natural health and alternatives to mainstream medicine when I was pregnant for the first time, but once I had those babies in my arms, it became the real deal. We have learned from our experiences. We’ve been on both sides of the spectrum. We’ve made great choices as well as ones we regret. We’ve recognized the very individual health and needs each of the seven of us have, some more intense than others, and that blanket treatments and recommendations are far from the right answer. We’ve had injuries. We’ve dealt with chronic pain. I’ve had nine miscarriages. We have been to that place in modern medicine where they have no answers and keep you going round and round without ever truly HELPING you. We’ve had times of being heavily medicated, as well as times of being able to avoid medications all together. We have had our trials and our triumphs with health and wellness, and it’s what my passion for this is rooted in.
  • We have grown from somewhat of a relevant background. You guys know that Luke has been a paramedic with tons of experience in EMS for the last 17 million years. Most people don’t know, though, that I got my CNA immediately out of high school and my focus in college was in health studies. I know that’s small beans in comparison to many steady, long-term careers out there, but for me it shaped a LOT of who I am today because once I became a mother, I had to start thinking outside of what I knew and boy did things change. I realized it wasn’t cut and dried, that there was a whole ‘nother world to “health” that I never learned about in school (as little as it may have been), and that it was solely my responsibility to educate myself because no one was going to do it for me. We also have the added benefit of the knowledge and wisdom of Luke’s very medically experienced family. Does that make us better than the next person doing what we do? No, but it just gives us a different dimension. Our puzzle has different pieces than the next. And you get to pick which puzzle you prefer.
  • We always want to learn more. Luke and I both feel very strongly about always being willing to keep learning, keep researching, keep asking questions. I’ve been open about where we stood on certain issues in the past and how that changed, the more we learned. We don’t claim to know everything, and I am not afraid to tell you that I don’t know the answer to something and will need to do some research and ask some questions myself. It’s humbling and sometimes feels embarrassing when you feel like people assume you should already have the answers, particularly because your business is based on something you’re passionate about. But I don’t ever want to be confident in myself that I don’t see the value in being unsure and needing to learn more, especially when it comes to advising someone else.
  • You know where we stand. I know some people find it “damaging” to my attempts to grow my business when I’m very vocal about our convictions and beliefs on certain things, whether it’s healthcare, health procedures, homeschooling, etc, but that just shows that you get the real ME. I’m not going to pretend I’m something I’m not just to get your business or support. I’m a lifelong learner and believe in asking “Why?”, but you won’t find me compromising my beliefs in order to grow my business. So when you choose to support us, you know where we stand and what’s important to us, and if you aren’t sure, feel free to ask!
  • We really do want the best for you!…health and wellness- the whole lot in life, not just what you put in your body, or what you expose yourself to, but also that your environment includes healthy relationships and lots of nature and constant Jesus. We want you to experience the power and freedom that comes with taking charge of your health and better understanding the body and life that God gave you. We want you to fully believe in your ability to make your own decisions and to recognize that you know your body- and your children and family- better than anyone else, no matter how many tests or labs or whatever has been done. We want to help you discover all the resources out there that will grow your faith in God’s creation and your knowledge of all the support and remedies He has already provided for you!
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Hi there! My name is Brynna and I'm wife to my favorite paramedic and mama to five awesome children. We homeschool, and for a year and a half, we lived in an RV so we could travel, grow closer as a family, and prayerfully decide on a place to build our new home. I am passionate about true wellness, and I run a business with Q Sciences, where I'm able to share my love for health. I've been also found myself moving into a position of ministry for women who've suffered miscarriages/pregnancy loss, as I've had nine of my own, and I love to support and encourage young mom

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