Did you hear about our Holiday Promotions? We’re topping off your Young Living promotional goodies by adding our own! Check out the Holiday Catalog here, the Young Living November promotions below, and find not only all of YOUR monthly necessities, but the gifts you’re needing, too!!
My members, here are your freebies from Luke and I for this year!!
- Place a 50PV order before 11/30, get a free lip balm!
- Place a 100PV order before 11/30, get a free oil carry case!
- Place a 190PV order before 11/30, get a free Christmas Spirit oil blend!
- Place a 250PV order before 11/30, get a free travel diffuser!
- Place a 300PV order before 11/30, get a bottle of Thieves cleaner!
- Place a 400+PV order before 11/30, and you get to choose TWO of the gifts previously listed!!!
- NEW members, grab a Premium Starter Kit before 11/30 and get a $25 credit or a free diffuser!www.oilwith.me/brynnasmith (or yl.pe/csh9 if your browser is picky!)
- Place ANY order before 11/30 and get entered to win a $25 credit!! (That’s in addition to your freebie!)