Health Freedom, Part 2

Let’s continue from last night…and chat health freedom. Most people don’t associate this term with proper examples. It’s often taken to the extreme. So let’s talk…

If you have ever been so desperate for help that you’ve gone beyond what your doctor can offer AND FOUND SUCCESS like many do, you have chosen medical freedom.

If you have ever researched your options for a treatment or procedure, you’ve chosen health freedom.

If you have ever done something as simple as making herbal tea, or used homeopathic teething tablets for your baby, arnica gel for your aches and pains, if you’ve used essential oils, or an herbal tincture, you’ve chosen health freedom.

Or maybe something bigger, like choosing a holistic dentist, or opting out of the flu vaccine for yourself or HPV for your children…you are using your medical freedoms, which it is your RIGHT to have the option of and access to.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that only crazy, anti-vax people are health freedom fighters. That’s a lie. (And they’re also not crazy, by the way- the vast majority are parents who’ve watched their children suffer severe injury or death after an injection (or even “just” disappear…imagine your child never looking you in the eye again, or smiling at you or speaking to you, or or never wanting your touch again…), and are ANGRY, as a parent SHOULD BE!)

We are all on the same team when we advocate for medical freedom. A person who believes we shouldn’t have options for health because of some “greater good” lie they’ve been convinced of tends to not realize the slippery slope they’re on, and that they’re forfeiting THEIR freedom to have ANY say in their own health as well. Seems fine to some, until they don’t want that permanent DNA altering coronavirus vaccine, or want to avoid the medication for themselves that contributed to the loss of life of a parent or sibling (read: genetic/hereditary issues), or stay away from a procedure that caused them awful issues in the past. Once you lose the freedom to choose among options, it’s done. Over. Everyone loses.

So fight with the rest of us. You deserve it!!! Your kids deserve it!!!

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Hi there! My name is Brynna and I'm wife to my favorite paramedic and mama to five awesome children. We homeschool, and for a year and a half, we lived in an RV so we could travel, grow closer as a family, and prayerfully decide on a place to build our new home. I am passionate about true wellness, and I run a business with Q Sciences, where I'm able to share my love for health. I've been also found myself moving into a position of ministry for women who've suffered miscarriages/pregnancy loss, as I've had nine of my own, and I love to support and encourage young mom

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