James is my favorite (or maybe better worded as “most read”) book in the Bible. It’s the one that reminds me that spiritual weight lifting is “a thing” and that it’s SO much more important than heading to the gym to lift physical weights. It’s easy to work out in these physical bodies because we usually (well, people other than myself…) see a difference as a result of our work. Spiritual weight lifting? Not always as easily noticeable. But FAR more valuable and so much more worth it. Life, trials, and struggles bring us the “resistance” we need to build up our faith by putting what we have learned into practice. And yeah, it’s likely gonna keep getting harder. I always remember being told that if Satan is hittin’ you up with his battle plan of doubt, discouragement, division and defeat, then you’ve been doing something right. Because he’s not nearly as interested in the people who don’t make any effort to spiritually work out.
Go lift your spiritual weights!
Spiritual Weight Lifting

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